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Before being a Still Man

The Santa Monica Varsity Football Team of 1929. Frank held the position of quarterback, he is middle row, third from the left.

The M.G.M.'s Front Office crew presented in the Motion Picture Studio Insider of June 1935. Frank Shugrue is in a black suit in the front row, third from the right. The content of the article can be accessed through this link.

Frank Shugrue (far left) in 1945 was the 1st assistant camera on the filming of "Adventure" (Victor Fleming, 1946, M.G.M.). Photo (detail) courtesy of Frank's grandson Michael Shugrue.

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Frank Shugrue (far left) in 1945 was the 1st assistant camera on the filming of "Adventure" (Victor Fleming, 1946, M.G.M.). Photo (detail) courtesy of Michael Shugrue.