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Shugrue in Magazines

Double page of the fan magazine Photoplay (June 1949) on which, uncommonly, we can see the photographers' signa­ture (here all from M.G.M.). Shugrue's portrait of Greer Garson is at the top left.

The filming of Everything I have is yours photographed by Frank Shugrue on the cover of American Cinema­tographer ( July 1952).

Double page of the professional magazine American Cinematographer (July 1954) related to the filming of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. All the photos illustrating the article are by Frank Shugrue.

Gina Lollobrigida photographed by Frank Shugrue on the cover of Kine Weekly magazine (issue No. 2782, January 1961). Here is shown the com­plete photo.

Double page of the professional cinema magazine Action (October 1967) related to the filming of The Graduate. All the photos illustrating the 4 pages article are by Frank Shugrue.

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