Film stills, most commonly made by uncredited staff photographers, were produced by the studios’ publicity departments to promote particular films in the popular press. Unlike frame enlargements, which are made from a single frame of a film, these publicity stills usually differ from the images that appear on the big screen. Working on the sound stages and sets before and after actual filmings, or between takes, the photographers often arranged their own lighting, repositioned characters and props, and shot scenes from viewpoints different from those used by the cinematographers.*
The audio background is an extract of the title "Night Scare" from the original soundtrack composed by Russell Garcia
(*) Excerpt from the presentation notice of the "Stills" exhibition (July 14-October 10, 1994). MoMA (New York), Department of Photography.
You are about to visit an amateur website, without commercial purpose, neither cookies nor trackers. It is intended for librarians and collectors to present and hopefully complete our inventory of the promotional images from George Pal's movie The Time Machine (M.G.M./Galaxy Films, 1960).
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